《复仇》第17集 第9期:虚度余生(在线收听

 So we're getting new identities? 所以我们要换新的身份

Yeah. 没错
Aiden will get them to you and your father on the way to the airport. 艾登会在去机场的路上  把证件给你们
Where are we going? 我们要去哪里
I don't know. I... I can't know. 我不知道  我不能知道
Are you saying I may never see you again? 你是说我再也见不到你了吗
It's the only way to ensure that the Initiative never finds you. 这是确保联盟找不到你们的唯一方式
You'll have plenty of cash 你会有足够的现金
and substantial bank accounts-- 和充裕的银行储蓄
I don't care about any of that. 那些我都不在乎
I can't fly off somewhere 我不能就这么离开
and live the rest of my life without you. 去一个没有你的地方虚度余生
I love you. 我爱你
And I love you,too, 我也爱你
So much. 很爱
This isn't the way that things end for us. 我们之间不会就这么结束
Someday... you'll be... 总有一天  当你在
sitting on a beach somewhere, 哪个海滩上晒太阳的时候
and you'll find out that the Initiative was exposed 得知联盟被曝光瓦解的消息
and the threat is gone. 我们的威胁解除了