《复仇》第17集 第18期:自私(在线收听

 My whole life could've been different, Eli. 我本能拥有不同的人生  伊莱

It was selfish, I know, and I'm sorry. 我知道那样很自私  对不起
But I'm trying to make it up to you now. 但我正在尽力弥补
The only way to do that is to leave. 你能做的只有离开
And if you so much as even think about exposing my identity-- 你要是敢暴露我的身份
I would never do that to you. 绝对不会的
Look, I'm trying to make things right between us. 我在想办法挽回
You'll see. 拭目以待吧
Eli... 伊莱
It's clear. 没人
They should be here. 他们应该在的
The--the locator says we're in the right place. 定位仪显示就在这里
Oh, no. 糟了
What? 怎么了
"Sorry about your friend, Nolan. 诺兰  节哀顺便
It's a terrible thing to lose one's... head." 掉脑袋真是不幸
Aiden, don't. 艾登  不要