乔布斯传 第514期:白鲸的白(2)(在线收听

 Lee Clow's advertising team at TBWA\Chiat\Day wanted to celebrate the iconic nature of the iPod and its whiteness 李·克劳所在的TBWA\Chiat\Day广告公司的团队希望凸显iPod的独特内涵和白色外壳,

rather than create more traditional product-introduction ads that showed off the device's features. 而不是做一个传统的介绍产品功能的广告。
James Vincent, a lanky young Brit who had played in a band and worked as a DJ, had recently joined the agency, 詹姆斯·文森特是一个又高又痩的年轻英国人,他曾在一个乐队里担任乐手,还做过DJ。他是最近刚加入公司的。
and he was a natural to help focus Apple's advertising on hip millennial-generation music lovers rather than rebel baby boomers. 出于职业习惯,他在设计苹果广告时,自然而然地将新千年一代的音乐发烧友作为受众,而不是叛逆的"婴儿潮一代"主题。
With the help of the art director Susan Alinsangan, they created a series of billboards and posters for the iPod, 在艺术总监苏珊·艾琳珊甘的协助下,他们创作出一系列iPod的广告牌和海报,
and they spread the options on Jobs's conference room table for his inspection. 然后把它们摊在乔布斯的会议室桌上供他审阅。
At the far right end they placed the most traditional options, 他们把最保守的提案放在了桌子的最右边,
which featured straightforward photos of the iPod on a white background. 白色背景中一张iPod的特写照片;
At the far left end they placed the most graphic and iconic treatments, 而最左边的是最有图像感和符号感的设计,
which showed just a silhouette of someone dancing while listening to an iPod, its white earphone wires waving with the music. 一个人边听iPod边跳舞的剪影,白色的耳机线也随之舞动。
"It understood your emotional and intensely personal relationship with the music," Vincent said. 文森特说:"这幅图表达了人与音乐之间紧密的情感联系。"