乔布斯传 第516期:白鲸的白(4)(在线收听

 Jobs realized that there was yet another advantage to the fact that Apple had an integrated system of computer, software, and device. 乔布斯意识到iPod还有一个优势,那就是苹果品牌是一个可以把计算机、软件和设备整合起来的系统。

It meant that sales of the iPod would drive sales of the iMac. 这就意味着iPod也能促进iMac的销售。
That, in turn, meant that he could take money that Apple was spending on iMac advertising and shift it to spending on iPod ads 反过来说,也就意味着苹果公司可以把原本要为iMac广告花费的7500万美元投入到iPod广告上,
getting a double bang for the buck. A triple bang, actually, 还能获得双倍的成效。其实是3倍,
because the ads would lend luster and youthfulness to the whole Apple brand. 因为这些广告能给整个苹果品牌注入新的光彩和活力。
He recalled: I had this crazy idea that we could sell just as many Macs by advertising the iPod. 他回忆说:我当时有了这个疯狂的想法--通过宣传iPod来销售更多的苹果机。
In addition, the iPod would position Apple as evoking innovation and youth. 另外,iPod也能把苹果定位成一个创新和年轻的品牌。
So I moved $75 million of advertising money to the iPod, even though the category didn't justify one hundredth of that. 所以我把7500万美元转移到iPod的广告费用上,虽然从产品类别上来说连对其投入其中的1%都嫌多。
That meant that we completely dominated the market for music players. 但这意味着我们完全占领了音乐播放器的市场。
We outspent everybody by a factor of about a hundred. 我们的投入是其他公司的数百倍。