向前一步:第226期 为平等而不懈努力(5)(在线收听

 In a published response, she described reading the blog post and how her "immediate thought was—how sad. 她公开回应说,自己读到这篇文章的第一反应是:“这太悲哀了。

How sad that as an industry and a society we haven't advanced over these past two decades when it comes to views on women and leadership. 20多年过去了,作为一个行业、一个社会,对女性和领导力的看法却没有什么进步,这实在太悲哀了。
As with all the past lazy, stereotype-ridden articles like this one, it gets the facts wrong." 就像过去那些无聊的、满纸成见的评论一样,这篇文章连基本的事实都搞错了。”
After correcting the facts, she continued, 在纠正了相关的事实以后,她继续说道:
"Views like these are all too commonplace, and part of a pervasive pattern that belittles, demeans and marginalizes women as leaders." “这很常见,它是轻视、贬低女性以及将女性领导者边缘化的流行看法之一。”
So many other readers joined her in calling the post sexist that the blogger posted an apology and retraction. 有很多的读者支持波莱塞,认为该文章有性别歧视,要求博主道歉并撤掉该博文。
I was grateful for Kim's vocal support. 我很感激波莱塞的声援。
The more women can stick up for one another, the better. 有越多的女性彼此支持,情况就会越好。
Sadly, this doesn't always happen. 可事实并不总是这样。
And it seems to happen even less when women voice a position that involves a gender-related issue. 当女性发表涉及性别问题的意见时,这种彼此支持的现象就会更少,
This has certainly been my experience too. 这么说当然是因为我也有类似的经历。
Everyone loves a fight—and they really love a cat-fight. 每个人都爱看热闹,而且尤其爱看女人之间的热闹。
The media will report endlessly about women attacking other women, which distracts from the real issues. 媒体会无休止地报道女性之间如何互相攻击,以便让公众的注意力远离真正的问题本身。
When arguments turn into "she said/she said," we all lose. 当争论双方变成了“她”和“她”时,我们都输了。