《复仇》第18集 第4期:真理的声音(在线收听

 How do you plan to protect local business if your platform 如果你的宣言包括重划沿海区和发展

includes coastal redistricting and development? 你打算怎样保护本地贸易
Uh, these people are townies. 这些人都是普通市民
Are there any of them smart enough to ask that? 他们中难道有人聪明到这地步吗
Believe it or not, yes. 信不信由你  确实有
But to ensure that none of them lobs a grenade, 但为了确保没人丢出"重磅炸弹"
I had them presubmit their questions 我让他们提前把问题写下来了
So you would be prepared, so... 这样你就能做好充分准备
So a body can't stand without a healthy backbone. 身体需要健康的脊骨才能站立
When I'm elected, I'll maintain 如果我当选  我会保持
the working-class stake in ownership 工人阶级的所有权股份
and distribute dividends at all levels. 并且给所有阶层分红
Don't say "working class." 别说"工人阶级"
I mean, governor's a job, too. 州长也是一份工作
Some of these people aren't working. 有些人没工作
Say, uh, say "your." 说"你们的"
I plan to maintain your stake in ownership. 我准备保持你们的所有权股份
Mr. Jack Porter, everyone, 大家有请杰克·波特先生
the voice of the populace, the voice of reason, 民众的声音  真理的声音
and the man who helped me close the gap to 4 points. 他帮助我把差距拉近了四个百分点
Knock this out of the park, 就这样做
and Stoddard won't know what hit him. 斯托达德都不知道是如何被击败的
Make anyone with a mic 让每个拿麦克风提问的人
feel like they're the only person in the room. 觉得自己是房间里唯一的焦点
Tap your inner Clinton. 唤醒你心中的克林顿
I can manage that. 我能做到
But your inner Clinton taps nothing, not anymore. 但你心中的克林顿可别想干坏事
Right, Ms. Davenport? 对吗  达文波特小姐