《复仇》第18集 第14期:满足心愿(在线收听

 If you had a conscience, you'd know. 你要是还有良知的话  你就应该知道

We're both killers, Mr. Mathis. 我们都是杀手  马西斯先生
Let's not pretend otherwise. 别装好人了
She got what she wanted. 她的心愿满足了
She's with her father now. 她现在去跟她父亲团聚了
Joined him earlier today. 她是今天早些时候去的
Well, you kept her alive for six weeks. 你让她活了六个星期
In preparation for what? 是要准备干什么
You'll know in time. Everything has its purpose-- 到时候你就知道了  凡事都有存在的原因
Girlfriends, little sisters who love their heroin. 女友们  那些吸毒成狂的小妞们
Even motion detectors... can illuminate a room. 甚至那些探测器  都能照亮一间房
And do the same for the authorities, 当局的存在也是
which is why, in a few moments, 所以不久之后
The police will find you standing over one dead body. 警察会发现你站在一具尸体旁边
Or if you should choose to pull that trigger, Two. 如果你开枪的话  就是两具