《复仇》第18集 第17期:周六叙旧(在线收听

 Yeah. I'm okay. Thank you. 我没事  谢谢关心

There she is. 你在这呢
I'm glad you joined me tonight. 很高兴今晚有你相伴
You, too, Porter, and thank you 还有你  波特
for all you've done on my father's behalf. 谢谢你代表我父亲所做的一切
Somehow, You got him electable and out of my way. 你帮他成为了候选人  还让我摆脱了他
But if you don't mind, 但如果你不介意的话
Emily and I have six weeks to catch up on, so... 艾米莉和我有六周时间没叙旧了
No, no. No, no. 不不不
Look, David Clarke isn't even a first-term concern. 大卫·克拉克根本不需要先考虑
No, ensuring that your taxes don't go up is. 不  保证你的税费不增是首要任务
Yeah, thanks. Thanks, Scott. 对  谢谢  斯科特
Don't worry. It's nonalcoholic. 放心  这是无酒精的
I'll be totally alert when we get the polling tomorrow. 明天拉票的时候我绝对是万分清醒的
My assumption is that you were sober this afternoon, 我还以为你下午会很清醒
and now I'm missing the masquerade to field calls 而现在我得离开舞会去回应
from anxious supporters. 急切的支持者