《复仇》第18集 第19期:重归于好(在线收听

 Are you ready for this? 你准备好了吗

I will be. 我会的
So you and Daniel are back together. 所以你和丹尼尔要重归于好了
Not officially. He was just my way in tonight. 不算正式  我只是利用他参加舞会
Well, he may disagree with you. 他可不同意你的说法
Your picture's on "Page six. " 你们的照片在"第六页"
Daniel's clever. 丹尼尔很聪明
There's no turning back once you go public. 这事一旦公开就没法挽回
Daniel. 丹尼尔
I bumped into Emily on my way in, 我进来的时候刚好碰到艾米莉
and naturally I inferred that you two got back together, 我猜你们俩应该是重归于好了
which she confirmed, so congratulations. 而且她也确认了  恭喜你们啦
Well, at least you had good instincts about something today, right? 最起码你今晚猜对了一件事  对吧
Just kidding, Mathis. 开个玩笑  马西
I hope this isn't too awkward for you. 希望这不会让你感到尴尬
No, all is fair in love and war, as they say. 不  爱情和战争面前  一切平等
So can I get either of you a cocktail? 我能给你们俩拿杯鸡尾酒吗
Oh, we're good, but help yourself 不用了  请自便
My family spared no expense. 我家里可是花了很多钱的
Thank you. 谢谢
Ruling with a velvet fist? 想用糖衣炮弹啊
I'm not letting him out of my sight 我不会让他离开我视线
until I know what he's up to. 除非我发现他的企图
Hey, enough work talk. 不说工作上的事了