
 As much as I hate to say it, 我很不想这么问

Shouldn't you be with Daniel right about now? 你现在不应该是跟丹尼尔在一起吗
I was. 本来是的
Daniel's pushing me to define our relationship. 丹尼尔逼我  确定我们的关系
What, are you asking me for my permission? 你是在征求我的允许吗
I don't know. 我不知道
Well, this was your plan all along, wasn't it? 一直以来这就是你计划的  不是吗
Rip the golden boy away from his family, 让这个商界新贵跟家人决裂
tear the Graysons apart from the inside? 从内部瓦解格雷森家族
Leave them broken, powerless. 让他们家破人亡  无权无势
Yes. 没错