
 Um, not with the press. I just mean... 跟媒体无关  我是说

it's a sister thing. 只是姐妹间的事
Never mind. 没关系了
Yeah. 是的
Look, I know you miss her. 我知道你想念她
She can never be replaced. 她是无可替代的
But we're gonna be sisters soon, too. 不过很快我们也要成为姐妹了
And I'm hoping that... 我希望
you'll be more a part of my life. 你成为我生命的一部分
Which is why I'm here. 所以我才来找你
I was wondering if you would be my maid of honor. 我想问你是否愿意做我的伴娘
That is, if you'll leave this room long enough to come to Paris. 就看你愿不愿意长时间离开这去巴黎了
Oh, my God, Emily. Of course. 天啊  艾米莉  我当然愿意
Yeah? 是吗
Hate to interrupt this hallmark moment. 我讨厌打断这标志性的时刻
You must be Regina. 你一定是雷吉那吧
Which means you must be a user of the internet. 这话说明你一定是个网民了
Bad time, Charlie? 我来的不是时候吗  夏莉
Um, I was just leaving. 我正要走呢
We'll talk more at the party tonight. 今晚派对上再详聊
Thanks, Emily. 谢谢  艾米莉
Bye. 再见
Any luck? 有收获吗
The guy who sold it to me didn't buy 卖给我东西那男的
the whole "For a friend" bit. 一点都不吃"为朋友"这套