
 Sorry it's not the answer you wanted, 抱歉  这不是你想要的答案

but I believe we had a deal. 但我想我们都说好了
Not quite yet. 还没有
What is the Initiative planning to do with Carrion? 联盟打算如何利用蚀尸
Don't know. Don't care. 不知道也不关心
After I validated it, 在我通过验证后
I tweaked your code for a little insurance. 为了保险  我修改了你的编码
Carrion can't operate without my magic touch, 没有我  蚀尸无法运行
which means either you get me out of here 所以把我弄出去的要么是你
or they will. 要么是他们
Just a question of who wants it more. 就看谁更想要了
We done here? 说完了吗
Ah, almost. 等一下
How do I access The Amanda Clarke Foundation account? 我如何进入阿曼达·克拉克基金会账户
Since you like games so much, 既然你这么喜欢玩游戏
you'll find it in a place I was born, 你会在我出生的地方找到
if not made. 前提是有这地方
An old favorite, hiding in plain sight. 俗话说  远在天边近在眼前
I'm Mark Stoddard, 我是马克·斯托达德  
and I approve this message. 我同意如下言论
Conrad Grayson has proven 康拉德·格雷森已经证明
that he's a wealthy man from Wall Street 自己是来自华尔街的富豪
- who's out of touch with main street. - What's that? -不知民间疾苦  -这是什么