
 Is there any way to make it seem like 有没有办法让这看起来像

the Amanda Clarke account was hijacked 阿曼达·克拉克基金的账号
by anyone other than Aiden? 是被别人入侵  而不是艾登
Yeah, well, in theory, sure. 理论上可以
But we accessed everything through the company mainframe, 但我们必须能登陆格雷森国际的主机才行
which I can't touch as long as the Grayson servers are offline. 现在他们公司的服务器离线  我无法登陆
And by the time they're back up, 等他们启用备用系统的时候
the authorities will already be after him. 政府的人恐怕早就查到了艾登身上
But I can sat-link Carrion to track the investigation. 但我能定位连接蚀尸项目追踪调查进展
That way we'll know when the Feds are on his tail. 至少我们能知道他们何时会盯上艾登
Okay, so do it. 行  就这么办
What happens when Aiden disappears? 如果艾登消失  会发生什么事
What does that mean... for you? 那对你来说  意味着什么
I can't think about that right now. 我现在来不及想这些
The hell? 搞什么
Falcon reprogrammed Carrion to reject my prompts. 猎鹰重编了蚀尸项目  不让我操控程序
What does this mean? 什么意思
Just that it's gonna be a while 意思是需要再等一会儿  才能让蚀尸项目
before Carrion likes daddy more than he likes mommy. 从"妈妈"那里回到"爸爸"的怀抱
More immediately, 直白地说就是
it means that Aiden is running out of time. 艾登的时间不多了
I have to find Takeda. 我得去找武田
I think he knows what the Initiative is up to. 我想他知道联盟有什么目的