
 Seems to me that regret and misery is everything 我倒以为后悔与痛苦正是

that Daniel's looking to leave behind. 丹尼尔想要摆脱的东西
Same with Charlotte. 夏洛特也一样
She seems enchanted with the idea of Paris. 她似乎也很痴迷地想去巴黎
Maybe she'll even want to raise her baby there. 说不定她还会让她的孩子在那儿长大
And now you presume to know 现在你居然还以为
what's best for Charlotte as well. 你也知道怎么对夏洛特最好了
Victoria, I don't make decisions for your children. 维多利亚  我不会给你的孩子们做决定
I'm sorry that you can't see that. Excuse me. 抱歉你没办法理解这一点
You know, there always was something 你总是给我一种
that I could never put my finger on about you. 说不出的感觉
You and I have more in common 其实你和我太像了
than either one of us cares to admit. 尽管我们都不愿承认
Tell me. 有什么相像
Ferocity. 残忍
An embedded determination to get whatever we want, 我们会下决心
no matter what the cost. 不惜代价达到目的
Do not forget 不要忘了
that I have been at this much longer than you. 在这方面  我比你更有经验
And if you continue to try to tear my children away from me, 如果你仍旧试图离间我和我的儿女
I promise you that you will not only fail, 我保证你不仅会失败
but you will suffer. 而且会付出代价