
 Is this the only way you can catch a woman… 你能抓住女人的唯一办法

By entrapping her? 就是设个陷阱吗
It’s the only way to catch thieving scum. 这是抓住贼的唯一办法
Oh. Aren’t you a real Prince Charming? 你难道不是真的白马王子吗
I have a name,you know. 我有名字的
Don’t care. “Charming” suits you. 无所谓 ‘王子’这个称谓很适合你
Now cut me down…Charming. 放我下来 王子
I’ll release you 除非你把
when you return leather pouch you stole with my jewels. 连同珠宝一起偷走的小皮袋还给我
Not the jewelry type. 我不喜欢珠宝
Indeed. I noticed. 确实 我看也是
What’s that supposed to mean? Are you insulting me? 什么意思 你是在羞辱我吗
No, quite right. My apologies. 非常对 我道歉
How dare I cast aspersions at the person who robbed me. 我怎么敢诽谤打劫了我的人
Where are my jewels? 我的珠宝呢
I sold them. 我卖了
What? 什么
What do you care? 你有什么好在意的
Don’t you have a palace full of treasures somewhere? 你的宫殿里珠宝都堆成山了
These were special. 这些是有特殊意义的
Among them was a ring that belonged to my mother, 其中的一个戒指是我妈妈的
a ring I was about to give… 而我本该将它送给
The nag with the bad attitude? That’s what this is about? 那个坏脾气的大小姐吗 是这么回事吧
She’s my fiancée. 她是我的未婚妻
Good luck with that. 祝你们好运
You must be getting something impressive 你一定能从这场政治联姻中
to have agreed to that union. 获得什么很好的东西
Excuse me? 你说什么
I know how this works. 我知道这是怎么回事
True love? It doesn’t exist. 真爱吗 根本不存在