
 I thought you weren’t the jewelry type. 我以为你不是带珠宝的那类女生

What’s that around your neck? 你脖子上带的是什么
Don’t worry about it. 别操这个闲心了
Careful! 小心点
It’s a weapon. 这是个武器
What, dust? What kind of weapon is dust? 灰尘 灰尘算哪门子武器
Fairy dust. 仙尘
I thought that was a good thing. 我以为这是什么好东西
When it comes from a good fairy. 从好仙子身上取下的仙尘才是
This stuff is deadly. 这个是致命的
It transforms the most fearsome of adversaries 它会将你最可怕的敌人
Into a form that’s easily squashed. 变成最容易被碾碎的东西
Then why don’t you use it on me? 那你怎么不用在我身上
‘cause you’re not worth it. 你还不配
It’s very hard to come by. 这东西很难获得
I’m saving it for a special someone. 我留着它用于一个特殊的人
Ah, the queen. 巫后
You’ve got a lot of anger there, don’t you, Snow? 你怀有满腔怒火 不是吗 白雪
The charges on her posters are lies. 悬赏令上的指控都是瞎掰的
Didn’t stop her from sending her huntsman 就这也没阻止她派猎手
to rip out my heart. 来挖走我的心脏
What happened? 发生了什么
Well, not everyone is soulless royal. 并不是所有人都是冷血无情的皇族
He took pity on me and let me go. 他同情我 放我走了
I’ve been hiding in the forest ever since, 从此以后我就在这森林里东躲西藏
trying to amass enough fortune to leave this place, 试图攒够钱 离开这里
Escape to another realm… 逃到另一个王国去
Somewhere isolated ,where I can never be hurt. 一个不受迫害 与世隔绝的地方