
 I'm lame... 我腿瘸

friendless... 又没有朋友
The only thing I've got is my boy... 我只有儿子和我相依为命
And they're gonna take him away from me. 他们还要把他从我身边抢走
If they take him away, I will truly... 如果他们把他从我身边带走
truly become dust. 我就真的没有活着的意义了
Not if you have power. 如果你有力量就可以改变这些
You may as well say diamonds. 你怎么不说用钻石可以改变一切呢
Get a hold of yourself. 冷静一点
Think. 仔细想想
Why do you think that someone as powerful as the dark one 你觉得为什么像黑暗者这么强大的人
would work for a useless fool like the Duke of the Frontlands? 会给方特兰公爵这种鼠辈效力
Tell me. 为什么
The Duke has the dark one in thrall. 公爵是黑暗者的绝对主人
He's enslaved him with the power of a mystical dagger. 他用一把神秘匕首的力量奴役了他
And on the blade is written a name-- 匕首刃上有一个名字
The true name of the dark one. 那是黑暗者的真实姓名
If you were to steal the dagger... 如果你偷来了这把匕首
then you would control the dark one yourself, 你就将成为黑暗者的主人
and then no one 从此再也没人
would be able to take your son away from you. 能把你的儿子抢走