
 To put an end to our misery. 就是为了结束我们的悲惨生活

Today we claim victory and move to a new better realm. 今天我们宣告胜利,前往一个新的国度
a place where we can finally win. 在那里我们会成为最后的赢家
And we'll be happy? 我们能得到幸福吗
I guarantee it. 当然可以
But first,I need something from you 不过在那之前,我需要一些东西
A lock of hair from those with the darkest souls. 你们这些恶人 每人给我一缕头发
You must trust me 你们得相信我
because if you don't there are other ways. 不然的话 我自有办法对付你们
A wise decision. 明智之举
All that remains is the final ingredient. 完成咒语最后的元素
a prized heart from my childhood steed. 一颗珍贵的心脏,来自我童年时的骏马
The glorious beast whose passing will fuel our victory. 这匹骏马的逝去正是我们胜利的开始
Let my wrath be unleashed. 释放我的怒火吧
Yeah you really unleashed something there. 是啊 怒火释放得真好