
 Hey. What happened? I came as soon as I could.  怎么了 我以最快速度赶来的

The castle--she's tearing the whole thing down!  她把城堡全都拆掉了
My book! I-it's gone!  我的书  也不见了
Congratulations, madame mayor.  恭喜你  镇长女士
You destroyed the thing he loves.  你把他心爱的东西毁了
A dangerous thing  这是个危险品
that can only hurt Henry and others.  它只会伤到亨利和其他人
You see me as a villain, Ms. Swan.  你认为我是坏人 斯旺女士
But that's just your perception, and you're wrong.  但那只是你的想法 而你错了
Learn your place in this town,  对自己在这镇上的地位有点自知之明
or soon enough, you won't be in it.  否则 你很快就得离开这里
Sidney, hi. I'm in.  西德尼 我入伙
I want everyone to know who she really is.  我要让所有人知道她的真面目
I got your text. What's going on?  我收到了你的信息 什么事
Follow me.  跟我来
David, you're scaring me. What's wrong?  戴维你吓到我了 出了什么事
What's wrong is you're late,  出的事就是你迟到了
and the wine's getting warm.  酒要变暖了
We have to stop doing this.  我们不能再这么做了
We just started doing it.  我们才刚开始
We have to figure out what we're doing.  我们得先想清楚我们在干什么
We will.  我们会想的
Tomorrow. Okay. Tomorrow.  明天就想 好吧  明天
All right, I'm listening.  好了  你说吧
So what do you know about her?  你都知道她什么事
$50,000.  五万元
I'm sorry?  什么意思
50 grand out of the budget is missing, and Regina is responsible.  财政预算里少了五万块 是瑞金娜干的
That's it? That's what you have on her?  就这些吗  这就是你抓到的把柄吗
The money is just the tip of the iceberg.  这钱只是冰山一角
We figure out what she's doing, it all falls apart,  我们查明她在做什么  她的秘密就会土崩瓦解
it all crumbles, and we'll finally learn her secrets.  分崩离析  我们就能知道现她的秘密了
You see what she is.  你看到她的真面目了
I see it.  我也看到了
All we need is a crack in the mirror to show everyone.  我们只需要把事情公之于众
I'm telling you, this is it.  我告诉你  这就是我们的机会