
 We're gonna miss that handoff.  我们要赶不上交易了

Emma. What?  艾玛  怎么了
You know that bug you planted?  你藏的那个窃听器
I think Regina found it.  估计被瑞金娜发现了
Someone's been tampering with the brakes.  有人在刹车上动了手脚
She's on to us.  她盯上咱们了
Wait! The bitch tried to have me killed. I'm finding her.  等等  那个贱人想杀了我 我一定要找到她
Let's be cautious. We need to think clearly.  慎重点  我们得想清除。
To hell with caution. I'm gonna find out what she's doing and why she's out here.  去你妹的慎重  我要查出她到底在干嘛 她为什么来这里
She was meeting me.  她是来见我的
What are you doing out here with her?  你和她在这儿干嘛
Just a little business transaction.  一点业务交易
What's in the briefcase?  公文包里是什么
Everything comes at a price.  凡事都要有价码的
Land is no different.  土地也不例外
That's why you're meeting her out here?  那就是你见她的原因吗
Regina bought your land?  瑞金娜买了你的土地吗
The very ground you're standing on.  你脚下的这片土地
What does she want it for?  她要土地干嘛
You know, in business, I find it's best not to ask too many questions.  在商界  我觉得最好不要问太多
Hurts the bottom line.  会触及他人的底线
The question is, Emma,  艾玛  问题是
why are you standing out here in the middle of the night with mr. Glass?  你为什么大半夜会和格拉斯先生 出现在这里
You don't know what Regina did to me.  你不知道瑞金娜对我做了什么
You don't know what she did to her son.  你不知道她对她儿子做了什么
We can't just sit idly by.  我们无法袖手旁观
Of course you can.  你当然可以
Be careful.  小心点
Emotional entanglements can lead us down very dangerous paths.  感情用事可是很危险的
I was beginning to worry you wouldn't come.  我还担心你不来了呢
You were expecting the Queen?  你在等王后吗
Who are you?  你是谁
What have you done with her?  你对她做了什么
The King has locked her away in her chambers.  国王将她软禁了
My daughter is a prisoner in her own kingdom.  我的女儿在她自己的王国里成了阶下囚
You... are the Queen's father?  你是王后的父亲
Please, take this to her.  求求你把这个带给她
The palace guards won't allow me into her chambers.  宫殿守卫不允许我见她
They know I'd die for her.  他们知道我愿为她而死
But you the King trusts you.  不过换做你的话国王信任你
He doesn't know that you have my daughter's heart.  他不知道我女儿对你一往情深
The guards will allow you in.  守卫们会让你进去的
Give her this box.  把这个箱子给她
Wait. I don't understand. What is in it?  等等  我不明白  箱子里是什么
This is the only thing that can free her  这是世上唯一能让她从这种悲惨生活中
from this wretched life.  获得解脱的东西
If you truly care for my daughter,  如果你真心在乎我女儿
I know you'll do whatever it takes to set her free.  我知道你就会不顾一切帮她获得自由