
 It is done. You are free my love. 搞定了 你自由了 我的爱人

We are free to be together at last. 我们终于可以自由相爱了
Did you not hear me? 你 你听到我说话了吗
Our days of imprisonment are over. 我们受束缚的日子已经结束了
You haven't heard the news. 你还不知道那个消息
The palace guards found the snake. 宫殿守卫找到蛇了
They know it's from your country. 他们知道那蛇从你的国家而来
They know it was you who killed the King. 他们知道是你杀了国王
It's only a matter of time before they catch you. 抓住你不过是早晚的事
You will be executed. 你将被处以极刑
I'm sorry... But we will never be together. 很抱歉 不过我们永远都无法在一起
Come. I've arranged for a boat to provide you safe passage out of the kingdom 来吧 我已经帮你准备了一艘小船 能安全离开这个国家.
You must leave at once. 你必须立刻就走
The Agrabahn Viper. 阿格拉巴毒蛇
Of all the snakes in all the world that is what you chose. 全世界那么多蛇 你就选了这一种
You wanted the murder to be traced back to me. 你想让谋杀案追查到我头上
You fooled me. 你玩弄了我
You never loved me. 你从没爱过我
Loved you? I wanted the King killed and you killed him. 爱你 我希望国王被人杀死 而你杀了他
You are no longer of any use to me. 你对我已经没有利用价值了