
 You had a life, Belle, before... this Friends... family. 你有自己的生活  贝儿  在...来这里之前  你有朋友  家人

What made you choose to come here with me? 你为什么选择来跟我待在一起呢
Heroism. Sacrifice. 英雄情结  甘于牺牲
You know, there aren't a lot of opportunities for women in this land to to show what they can do, to see the world, to be heroes. 要知道  在这片土地上  女性并无很多机会能证明自己的能力  增长见闻或是成为英雄
So when you arrived, that was my chance. 所以你的到来  为我提供了机遇
I always wanted to be brave. 我总是想变勇敢点
I figured, do the brave thing and... bravery would follow. 我想  只要做些需要勇气的事  勇气自会随之增长
And is it everything you hoped? 这就是你唯一的愿望吗
I did want to see the world. 我还想看看这个世界
That part didn't really work out. 不过还没有实现
But, uh... I did save my village. 但...我确实拯救了整个村子
And what about your, uh... betrothed? 那你的...未婚夫怎么办