
 So I heard you managed not to break anything he needs. 大夫说你没有打他的要害部位

You're lucky, Mr. Gold. 你很幸运  戈登先生
You got a funny definition of "lucky." 你对"幸运"的定义真好笑
You have a funny definition of "justice". 你对"公正"的定义才好笑
What did he really do? 他到底做了什么
He stole. 他偷东西了
That reaction was about more than taking a few trinkets. 若只是小偷小摸  你的反应也太过激了
You said something about how he hurt "her," what happened to "her"? Who was that? What did he do? 你刚说到  他是怎么伤害"她"的 "她"出什么事了  "她"是谁 他干了什么
If someone needs help, maybe I can help. 如果有人需要帮助  也许我能帮上忙
No. I'm sorry, Sheriff. I think you heard that wrong. 不用了  抱歉  警长  是你听错了
You really don't want to cooperate. 你真的不想配合
Look, we're done here. 该解决的都解决了
Actually... we're not. 事实上 还没
You're under arrest. 你被逮捕了
So... what are you going to do to me? 那么 你打算怎么处置我
Go. 离开
Go? 离开
I don't want you anymore, dearie.  我不再需要你了  小宝贝