
 You know, you were freeing yourself. 你曾有机会让你自己自由

You could've had happiness if you just believed that someone could want you. 你本可以拥有幸福 只要你相信  有人会渴望拥有你
But you couldn't take the chance. 但你没有把握住机会
That's a lie. 这是谎言
You're a coward, Rumplestiltskin. 你是个懦夫  朗普斯金
And no matter how thick you make your skin, that doesn't change. 不管你的皮囊有多厚都遮掩不住
I'm not a coward, dearie. 我不是懦夫  小宝贝
It's quite simple, really. 其实很简单  真的
My power... means more to me than you. 我的力量比你对我更重要
No. No, it doesn't. You just don't think I can love you. 不 不  不是 你只是不相信我会爱你
Now you've made your choice. 现在你做出了选择
And you're going to regret it. Forever. 你会为之后悔的 后悔一生
And all you'll have... is an empty heart... and a chipped cup. 你能拥有的一切只是一颗空洞的心和一个有缺口的杯子