
 Uh, excuse me, Leroy. Uh, do you mind scooting over a seat so Walter and I could sit together? 不好意思  勒罗伊 你能挪过去一个位子 好让我和沃尔特坐一起吗

If I wanted to sit there, I would've sat there. 我要是想坐那边  我就会坐在那边了
You want this seat, try dragging your sorry asses out of bed a little earlier. 你想坐这 就早点从床上滚起来
You're a real ray of sunshine as— 你可真如阳光般...
Congrats. Just lost my appetite. Seat's all yours. 恭喜你 我没食欲了 座位让给你了
Excuse me. Can I have everyone's attention, please? 打扰一下 大家能听我说两句吗
I'm sorry to interrupt your morning, but I just wanted to remind everyone that a very special occasion is upon us—Miners Day. 很抱歉打扰大家 我只是想提醒大家 一个特殊的日子就要到了——那就是矿工日
As always, the nuns of Storybrooke are hoping that everyone will get involved and will help sell their exquisite candles. 一如往常  童话镇的修女们希望大家都能参与其中帮她们卖精心制作的蜡烛
All we need are a few energetic volunteers. So who wants to join me? 我们需要几个热心的志愿者 有人想要报名吗
Leroy, you wanna volunteer? 勒罗伊  你要报名吗
I want to leave, sister. You're blocking the door. 小妹  我是想出去  你挡住门了
Of course.Uh, you know, if you wanted to help, it could really be a— 对不起 如果你想帮忙的话  那就...
Oh, yeah. Right.Quite a team we'd make. Town harlot, town drunk. 是啊 我俩肯定能成为好搭档 一个是"小镇之娼"  一个是"小镇醉鬼"
The only person in this town that people like less than me is you. 这镇上唯一比我更不受欢迎的人就是你了
If you're coming to me, you're screwed.  你要是找我帮忙  你就完蛋了