学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 3302 afoul(在线收听

 今天我们要学的词是 afoul.

afoul 的意思是起冲突,起冲撞,常见的用法是run afoul of。 Some Canadian politicians think their country should diversify its alliances with other powers given that Canada's handling of Huawei's CFO's extradition will run afoul of either Washington or Beijing. 一些加拿大政客认为,鉴于加拿大对引渡华为首席财务官的处理将不是与华盛顿就是与北京发生冲突,加拿大应该与其他多个大国联盟。
Brunei's government started implementing its revised penal code that international human rights observers say is very easy to fall afoul of because it is so broad. 文莱政府开始实施新修订的刑法,国际人权观察家认为该法涵盖过于广泛,以至很容易触犯。