
 Madame Mayor. 镇长女士

Good morning. 早安
Excuse me, but my client is not having any visitors. 抱歉  我的委托人不见任何访客
Of course not. 当然
I'll see you out. 我送你
What is she doing here? 她怎么还在这里
She came back. 她回来了
You said this was going to work, that she'd take the key, that she'd go. 你说这会有用的 你说她会拿着钥匙逃跑
And she did.But it seems that Ms. Swan is rather more resourceful than we thought. 她确实这么做了 但似乎斯旺女士比我们想象的还要机灵
Fear not, Your Majesty.Ms. Blanchard is still guilty of murder.You may yet get what you want. 别担心  陛下 布兰切特女士仍是谋杀案的嫌犯 你或许还能达到目的
Oh, I better.The only reason I made a deal with you, Gold, is because I wanted results. 最好能达到 我跟你交易的唯一原因  戈登 是要看到成效
And results you shall have.See you at the arraignment.  你会看到的 传讯时见