
 You'd do anything? 你真的什么都愿做

Of course, dear.You know, I've talked to the king about your mother. 当然了  亲爱的 知道吗  我曾和国王谈起过你的母亲
He told me how much she loved you.Losing her must've been so hard.It was. 他对我说你母亲非常爱你 失去她一定令你痛不欲生 是的
Hearing him, I realized he might as well have been talking about me and regina. 国王的话也让我联想到我自己和瑞金娜
I don't want us to lose each other. 我不希望我们也失去彼此
If only I could show her how I feel, that no matter what, all I want is her happiness. 真希望她能感受到我对她的爱 无论如何  我都希望她幸福
Then don't make her get married.I'm sorry? 那就别让她嫁给我父亲 你在说什么啊
She doesn't love my father.She loves someone else. 她并不爱父亲 她爱的是别人
She made me promise not to tell.But she'll lose you.She can't lose her mother.No one should. 她让我发誓不告诉任何人 但这样她会失去你的 她不能失去自己的母亲 谁都不该失去母亲
Oh, sweet Snow, it's all right.She won't lose me. 亲爱的白雪  没事的 她不会失去我的
You can tell me.You must tell me.  你可以跟我说 你一定得说