
 Do you think that she would ever hurt him? 你觉得她会伤害他吗

No. Never. I mean, everyone else, but not him. 不会 绝对不会 她可能伤害任何人  但不会害他
Look, right or wrong, her actions have all been defensive. 不管怎样 她的行为都是为了自卫
I'm not judging, but... In many ways, your arrival has woke a sleeping dragon. 我不是妄加评论 只是...你的到来惊醒了一只沉睡之龙
Tell me honestly. Has he been better off since I got here? 跟我说实话 我的到来 对他有好处吗
It's not a matter of better off. It's it's a matter of this war has to end. 那不是重点 重点是 这场争斗必须结束
If you two are gonna be in his life, you have to figure out the best way to do that. 如果你俩都想继续留在他的生命中 你就得找出最好的解决办法
Charming. Charming. Snow. 王子 王子 白雪
You're... No. No. Oh, no! 你在 不
The queen took me to her palace. 巫后把我绑去了她的宫殿
But I'm rescuing you. Snow. 但是我来救你了 白雪
Is this always gonna be our life? 我们俩一直都得这样吗
Taking turns finding each other? 你找我  我找你
We'll be together. I know it. Have faith.  我们最后会在一起的  我知道 你要相信这点