
 Excellent. It appears to be working. 棒极了 奏效了

Now what is it we're after? An apple. 我们要找什么 一个苹果
Hello, Regina. Follow me. 你好 瑞金娜 跟我来
Do you remember when I ran down your runaway horse, Snow? 还记得我把你从惊马上救下来的事吗 白雪
Do you remember when I saved your life? 还记得我救过你的命吗
Of course. It all looks the same. 当然 这里一点没变
Not quite. This is new. 还是有变化 这个是新的
Is that... A grave. Daniel's grave. 这是...一个坟墓 丹尼尔的坟墓
Daniel? I thought...He ran away? 丹尼尔的  我以为...以为他跑了吗
I told you that to spare your feelings out of... kindness, but he died because of you. 我告诉过你不要好心办坏事 但他还是因你而死