打工姐妹花第二季 第216期:法律诉讼(在线收听

 I'm looking for the owners of Max's homemade cupcakes. 我想找麦克斯自制小蛋糕的店主。

Oh, that's me. Wow, word is really spreading. How can I help you? 是我,真是名声传千里啊。有什么需要帮忙的吗?
You've been served. 你被传唤了。
Max, I just got served. 麦克斯,我被法院传唤了。
Did he go after your bangs? 'Cause that's where I'd start. 羞辱你的刘海吗,我肯定先从这开始羞辱起。
This is a lawsuit. 这可是法律诉讼啊。
It says, "Max's homemade cupcakes is being sued for injuries sustained in our shop by Myron Shales, A.K.A. 'J. Petto.'" 上面写着"麦隆·谢尔斯,也就是劫佩托,因在麦克斯自制小蛋糕店摔伤,而以故意伤害罪起诉店主"
Max, it's the puppet guy. 麦克斯,是那个木偶男。
He's suing us? We should be suing him for gross... 他要告咱们啊?应该是我们告他很恶心...
I don't know what the legal words are, but just for being gross. 我不知道法律用词怎么说,反正就是告他当个恶心人啦。
We can't afford to be sued. 我们承受不起被人告。
We can't even afford the lawyer on those bus ads who has a gavel in one hand and a chicken in the other. 我们甚至请不起巴士广告上那个一手拿小木槌一手抓只鸡的律师。