
 Aria, are you okay? 艾瑞亚 你没事吧

It's weird to be home. 回家的感觉真奇怪
We were gone a year. 我们离开了一年
When you 're 16, that's a long time. 那时候你才16岁 确实是很久了
I still think about her everyday. 我还是每天都想着她的事
Why do not you call your friends? 给好姐妹们打个电话吧
They do not know we 're back from dad's sabbatical. 她们还不知道我们度假回来了
On the news, they 're calling it the anniversary of Alison’s disappearance, like it's a party or something. 今天的新闻里写着 艾莉森失踪一年纪念日 说的好像这值得庆祝一样
Why do not give them a call? 给好姐妹们打个电话吧
You five were inseparable, and those feelings do not just go away. 你们五个曾经形影不离 这种感情不会轻易消失的
I need a ride to lacrosse! 谁能送我去练长曲棍球
I 'll take him. 我送他去
Got lacrosse today? 今天有长曲棍球训练吗
It's first tryouts, and all my stuff's in about a hundred boxes. 第一轮选拔赛 但我的东西还在这一百个纸箱里呢
A hundred? 哪儿有一百个
You know what I mean. 反正你知道我的意思
Come on, let's go look in the garage. 来吧 咱去车库找找
Come on. 来吧
Listen, I know coming back here brings up a lot of memories. 听着 我知道回到这里 勾起了你很多回忆
You okay? 你还好吗
Dad, I 'm still keeping your secret, okay? 爸爸 我还保守着你的秘密呢 行了吗
I mean, are you okay with Alison? 我是说 你还想着艾莉森的事吗