2019年经济学人 清真寺枪击案:阿塔·埃拉扬被匆匆结束的一生(1)(在线收听




Atta Elayyan


Darting, seizing, winning


Atta Elayyan, software developer and futsal goalie, died in the Christchurch shootings on March 15th, aged 33


The only part of Atta Elayyan’s life that was lazy was his habit of starting the day when he felt like it. He was not a morning person. Once out of bed, though, he was unstoppable. He would fire up Trello to go through his to-do list, then dive into his emails to follow up conversations with clients, potential clients, partners and anyone else connected with his software-development company, Lazy Worm Applications, and its IT services arm, LWA Solutions. All that took care of the morning. The afternoon was filled with meetings over coffee to discuss how projects were going, then meetings to urge on the design and development teams. At night he had to check on deliveries and sales, before starting the protracted round of emails and conference calls with customers who, a long way from New Zealand time, were just waking up.

阿塔·埃拉扬生活中唯一慵懒的时间,就是可以决定什么时候起床开始新的一天。他不是个习惯早起的人。但是一起床,就一直在忙。他会打开Trello查阅任务清单,然后用电子邮件跟进沟通,沟通对象包括客户、潜在客户、合作伙伴以及任何与其软件开发公司 Lazy Worm Application 及IT服务部门 LWA Solutions 有关的人。这些工作就花去一上午的时间。整个下午都用来开会,边喝咖啡边讨论项目进展,然后开会督促设计和开发团队。晚上,他必须检查送货和销售情况,随后,和新西兰有时差的客户刚刚醒来,他又开始长时间的邮件沟通和电话会议。

Somewhere in there was dinner with the family, his wife Farah and two-year-old daughter Aya, who had a bib reading “My Dad rocks!” His more demanding baby, though, was Lazy Worm Apps, which since 2010 he and a classmate from Canterbury University, Mike Choeung, just two guys, one tall, one short, had built into a star turn on the Christchurch tech scene. Now there was a 14-man team, and they had moved into digs in Print Place with so much space that it gave him ideas immediately of how much bigger they could get. As it was they took on university interns every summer, and he often put out Twitter appeals for more.

尽管工作忙碌,也不忘和妻子女儿共进晚餐,两岁的女儿阿雅的围嘴上写着“我的爸爸棒极了!”而更费力的“孩子”是Lazy Worm Apps,自2010年以来,他和坎特伯雷大学的同学迈克·秋,这两个一高一矮的家伙,就已经在克赖斯特彻奇(新西兰城市)的科技界成为了明星。现在是一个14人的团队,他们搬进了 Print Place 的办公区,有了这么大的空间,这让他立刻想到未来的规模。因为他们每年夏天都聘用大学实习生,他经常在推特上发招聘信息。

Everything had taken off when Mike got a Microsoft Windows Phone 7 and he fell in love with it, especially the colourful Live Tiles that linked at a touch to apps, functions and features, could be dragged around and added to, and updated in real time. He decided he too would specialise in Windows Phone apps and make user interfaces that delighted people, a word he used a lot. Within a few years Lazy Worm, with no outside investment, provided some of the most popular apps on the Windows Store and was nearly acquired by Google. He was truly stoked to think of that.

迈克得到了一部 Windows Phone 7 并爱上它之后,一切都蒸蒸日上,尤其是那些色彩鲜艳的活动方块,可以通过触摸与应用程序、功能和特征相连接,可以拖拽、添加,并实时更新。他也决定将专注于 Windows Phone 应用程序,开发令用户满意的用户界面,他经常使用“令人满意”这个词。几年之内,Lazy Worm在没有外部投资的情况下,开发出了Windows商店中一些最受欢迎的应用程序,并差点被谷歌收购。提到那件事,他真的很激动。
