2019年经济学人 一周要闻 WhatsApp现安全漏洞 iPhone用户起诉苹果 脱欧重创钢铁行业(在线收听


WhatsApp, a popular encrypted-messaging app owned by Facebook, reported a security flaw that allows hackers to install surveillance software on smartphones by placing calls in the app. It was reported that a team of Israeli hackers-for-hire had used the vulnerability to inject spyware onto phones belonging to human-rights activists and lawyers.


America’s Supreme Court gave the go-ahead for iPhone users to sue Apple. The case centres on whether Apple’s App Store, which takes a 30% cut of all sales, constitutes an unfair monopoly. Unlike Android-based rivals, Apple’s phones are designed to prevent users from installing apps from other sources.

美国最高法院允许iPhone用户起诉苹果公司。这起诉讼案的焦点在于,苹果的App Store是否构成了不公平的垄断行为,App Store的销售额占苹果总销量的30%。与使用android系统的竞争对手不同,苹果的手机旨在防止用户安装其他不明来源的应用程序。

Thyssenkrupp and Tata Steel abandoned a plan to merge their European steel assets because of stiff resistance from the EU’s antitrust regulator. Pushed by activist investors demanding reform at Thyssenkrupp, the proposal had been announced in September 2017. The German company will now spin off its lifts division, its most profitable business.

蒂森克虏伯(Thyssenkrupp)和塔塔钢铁(Tata Steel)放弃了合并其欧洲钢铁资产的计划,原因是欧盟反垄断监管机构强烈抵制。在要求蒂森克虏伯进行改革的维权投资者的推动下,该提议已于2017年9月宣布。这家德国公司现将拆分其最盈利的电梯业务。

British Steel told the British government that it needs more state aid because of “uncertainties around Brexit”. That is in addition to the 100m pounds ($130m) loan from the government the company had recently secured to pay its EU carbon bill. A no-deal Brexit would hit British Steel hard, subjecting it to 20% tariffs under WTO rules.


Global investment in renewables has stalled, according to the International Energy Agency, taking the world further away from meeting the goals of the Paris agreement on climate change. This is aggravated by the continued expansion of spending on coal-fired power plants, especially in Asia. Investment in coalmining rose by 2.6% in 2018. By contrast, growth in new renewable installations was flat for the first time since 2001.


The most eagerly awaited stockmarket flotation in years turned out to be a damp squib. Uber priced its IPO at $45 a share, the low end of the offer’s price range, which did little to entice investors. The stock closed 8% down on the first day of trading, valuing the company at $70bn, well below most expectations. Optimists pointed to the experience of Facebook, which, despite a poor ipo and share price that sagged for months, eventually became one of the world’s most valuable companies. Pessimists said Uber’s ride-hailing business will struggle to make sustainable profits.

