2019年经济学人 美国代孕题材新小说:《农场》(1)(在线收听


Books and Arts


Book Review


New American fiction


Womb for rent


The Farm. By Joanne Ramos.


For Jane, a job at Golden Oaks, an elegant property north of Manhattan, seems almost too good to be true. She spends her days swaddled in cashmere, engaged in light exercise and nourished by organic superfoods. Her bedroom is far more luxurious than the dormitory in Queens where she and her newborn daughter bunked with dozens of fellow Filipinas; the pay is much better than her previous jobs. The hitch is that she had to leave her child, relinquish her freedom and carry a baby to term for one of the most powerful women in the world.


This is the unnervingly plausible set-up for Joanne Ramos’s impressive debut novel, “The Farm”. The title comes from the employees’ name for this high-end surrogacy outfit, where mostly destitute women incubate the infants of the 1%. Befitting an era when parents strive to give their offspring ever-more sophisticated advantages, the place is calibrated to maximise “fetal potential”, with customised diets, wristbands to monitor activity levels and wearable machines that broadcast Mozart’s symphonies and Churchill’s speeches directly into the womb. Hired “hosts” submit to constant scrutiny—there are cameras everywhere. White surrogates are rare and command a premium, particularly if they have been to university.

