2019年经济学人 阿曼马斯喀特皇家歌剧院(1)(在线收听


Books and Arts


Culture in the Middle East


The sultan’s song


How Gulf rulers learned to love opera


In “lakmé”, an opera by Léo Delibes, a Brahmin priest laments his daughter’s affair with a British officer. The patriarch’s view of forbidden love has a special piquancy at the Royal Opera House, Muscat (ROHM), where the work was performed earlier this year. One of the most spectacular opera houses in the world, the venue is the flagship of the art form’s swift rise across the conservative Gulf region.


In 1970, when Sultan Qaboos ousted his father, Oman had only two hospitals and three schools. Qaboos, now 78, has used some of the country’s oil wealth to update both its infrastructure and its image. The sultan is an autocrat (and a spendthrift), but he affects an enthusiasm for the arts. He founded the Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra in 1985; the ROHM opened in 2011. Its staircase and marble match the Opéra de Paris in grandeur.


But the region’s opera boom transcends Oman. Dubai opened a glass-cased opera house in the shadow of the world’s tallest skyscraper in 2016. Kuwait’s glitzy new culture complex staged “The Magic Flute” last year. Meanwhile Jordan’s open-air opera festival, the region’s first, is now held each year in Amman’s Roman amphitheatre.


One reason for the fad is economic. Qaboos wants to create jobs for Omanis and diversify beyond oil, including by boosting tourism. The ROHM has reputedly become Muscat’s second-most-popular sight, after the Grand Mosque; three-quarters of its staff are Omani.


Soft-power diplomacy is also part of the story. For example, a plan is afoot for Oman to fund an opera house in Beirut. A bid to recruit a Saudi minister to the board of La Scala in Milan—and for it to accept 15m Euros from the Saudi government—foundered amid an outcry over human-rights abuses. But La Scala’s academy still plans to set up an opera school for children in Riyadh.

