2019年经济学人 一周要闻 英政府2050年实现净零排放 英外相竞争保守党魁 伊朗否认袭击油轮(在线收听


Dozens of people, including several children, were killed in a Dogon village in central Mali. The murders were blamed on a Fulani militia and are the latest in a series of tit-for-tat ethnic killings. In March a Dogon militia slaughtered more than 150 Fulani villagers.


A child became the first person in Uganda to die of Ebola, a deadly virus that has infected more than 2,000 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo next door. The boy had travelled to Uganda from Congo with family members, some of whom are also infected; his grandmother also died. Uganda’s system for containing epidemics is far more effective than Congo’s.


Protesters in Sudan called off a general strike and agreed to resume talks with the junta that took charge after the fall of the country’s dictator, Omar al-Bashir, in April. Negotiations over who would lead a transitional government had collapsed when security forces murdered at least 100 demonstrators on June 3rd.

苏丹抗议者取消了一场大罢工,并同意恢复与军政府的谈判。今年4月,苏丹独裁者奥马尔巴希尔(Omar al-Bashir)倒台后,军政府掌权。6月3日,安全部队杀害了至少100名示威者,导致关于过渡政府领导权的谈判破裂。

Botswana’s high court legalised gay sex, striking down a colonial-era prohibition. Half of young people in Botswana now say they would not object to a gay neighbour, a marked increase in tolerance from previous generations.


Oil prices jumped after two tankers were reportedly damaged in a suspected attack off the coast of Oman. America has blamed Iran for several recent attacks on shipping.


A Saudi Arabian teenager faces possible execution for taking part in a demonstration when he was ten years old. The boy, now 18, has been held for four years.


Old tricks


Ivan Golunov, a Russian journalist who exposes corruption, was arrested after police claimed to have found drugs in his possession. Photos purporting to show a drug lab in his flat turned out to have been taken somewhere completely different. After huge protests, which included the front pages of normally quiescent newspapers, at his obvious framing, the authorities released him.


In Moldova police surrounded government buildings after a rival administration declared itself in charge. The pro-Russian president, who supports the new team, was sacked by the old team.


Ten candidates jostled to become leader of Britain’s Conservative Party, and thus the country’s next prime minister. Boris Johnson is the bookies’ favourite, but not Europe’s.


The British government amended the Climate Change Act to set a target of eliminating Britain’s net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050. The “net zero” target is the first in any G7 country. There are two wrinkles: it is unclear whether the target will include emissions from aviation and shipping; and policies adopted to reach the target may make use of international offsets.


Norway’s parliament voted to require the country’s sovereign-wealth fund, the world’s largest, to divest from fossil-fuel companies. Energy giants that have invested heavily in renewables, such as BP and Shell, are excluded.

