2019年经济学人 一周要闻 贸易担忧扰乱全球市场 特朗普介入大型并购案 欧央行加息推迟至2020年(在线收听


The world this week




The proposed merger of T-Mobile and Sprint, first floated in April last year, faced a fresh hurdle as a group of American states led by California and New York launched a lawsuit to block it. The states are challenging the deal because it is “exactly the sort of consumer-harming, job-killing mega-merger our antitrust laws are designed to prevent”, according to Letitia James, New York’s attorney-general.

于去年4月首次提出的T-Mobile与Sprint合并提案面临着新障碍,以加州和纽约为首的美国几个州发起诉讼,试图阻止这项合并案。纽约州总检察长莱蒂夏·詹姆斯(Letitia James)表示,各州之所以反对这项交易,原因在于“这正是反垄断法旨在防止的那种损害消费者利益、不利于就业的大型并购案例”。

Antitrust concerns were also voiced when United Technologies Corporation announced its intention to merge its aerospace business with Raytheon, creating a $166bn behemoth in the industry. UTC provides electronics and communications systems mainly to commercial airlines and Raytheon sells defence equipment, including the Patriot missile system, to the Pentagon. They hope the civil/military split of their interests will satisfy competition regulators. Donald Trump has already waded in, suggesting that the new “big, fat, beautiful company”, will raise costs for America’s armed forces.


Worries over trade continued to unsettle global markets. “The rising threat of protectionism” was citied by Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank, as one factor in its decision on June 6th to postpone further rises in interest rates until at least the middle of 2020. Mr Draghi pledged to use “all instruments” under his control to avert an economic setback in the euro zone.

对贸易的担忧继续扰乱着全球市场。6月6日,欧洲央行决定将进一步加息至少推迟至2020年年中,欧洲央行行长马里奥·德拉吉(Mario Draghi)将“保护主义威胁日益加剧”列为原因之一。德拉吉承诺,将利用权力范围内的“所有工具”,避免欧元区出现经济倒退。

Market jitters caused investors to flee to safe assets. The German government sold ten-year Bunds at a yield of -0.24%, meaning the buyers will lose money if they hold the bonds until they mature. It was the bond’s lowest yield on record in a direct auction.

