2019年经济学人 Facebook推出“天秤币”(1)(在线收听






Coin flip


The social network’s grand designs for virtual cash could be surprisingly consequential—including for itself


A global digital currency would make sending money across the world as easy as texting. It would do away with fees, delays and other barriers to the flow of cash. It might give those in less developed countries access to the financial system and a means to protect hard-earned wages against runaway inflation. It could trigger a wave of innovation in finance, much as the internet did in online services.


That, in a nutshell, is what Facebook promised on June 18th. Within a year, the social network will launch a new currency to be known as Libra, in honour of an ancient Roman unit of mass—it is also the word for “pound” in many romance languages. Inevitably, Facebook dished out a generous helping of trendy words like crypto and blockchain. Unable to contain its appetite for Silicon Valley platitudes, Facebook claimed that its mission was to “empower billions of people”. Making money or strengthening its market power are, apparently, a sideshow.

简而言之,这就是6月18日脸书做出的承诺。在一年内,这家社交网站将推出一种名为“天秤币(Libra)”的新货币,命名为纪念古罗马的一个质量单位——在许多罗曼语中,“Libra”也是“磅”的意思。不可避免地,Facebook创造了不少诸如crypto(加密)和blockchain(区块链)等时髦词汇。由于无法抑制自己对硅谷陈词滥调的胃口,Facebook宣称其使命是“赋予数十亿人权力”。 显然,赚钱或增强其市场实力只是一个次要事件。

Notwithstanding the guff, the commercial potential is indeed significant—as are the potential problems. If each of Facebook’s 2.4bn users converted a slice of their savings into Libras, it could become a widely circulated currency. It could also, if broadly adopted, vest unprecedented power in the hands of its issuer. In a tacit acknowledgment that its mishandling of user data, tolerance of the spread of misinformation and other sins have devalued its stock with policymakers, users and potential partners—though not investors—Facebook wants to outsource the running of Libra to a consortium of worthies recruited from the world of finance, technology and NGOs. The consequences for the global financial system could be significant. So could the impact on Facebook’s business.

