2019年经济学人 一周要闻 雷诺日产关系紧张 英国召回惠而普烘干机 美国打击大型制药商(在线收听


Jean-Dominique Senard, Renault’s chairman, admitted that relations with Nissan, the French carmaker’s alliance partner, were tense, but said that they could rebuild trust. Mr Senard was speaking at his first shareholders’ meeting since taking up his position in January, after Carlos Ghosn’s arrest in Tokyo for alleged financial misdeeds at Nissan. The French government, which holds a 15% stake in Renault, has undermined Mr Senard recently, most spectacularly by thwarting the company’s attempt to merge with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. Mr Senard said he had been “saddened” by the state’s meddling.


Volkswagen ended its association with Aurora, a self-driving-vehicles startup, clearing the way for it to work with Argo, a similar outfit that Ford, which launched a partnership with VW this year, has invested in. This week Argo expanded testing of its fleet of autonomous cars to Detroit, the historic home of carmaking.


Salesforce, a highly acquisitive cloud-based software company, struck its biggest deal to date when it offered $15.7bn for Tableau, a provider of computer-graphics for data bods.


Insys, which makes a fentanyl-based painkiller spray, filed for bankruptcy protection, days after it settled with the federal government for its marketing of the product. Many of the pharmaceutical companies blamed for America’s opioid crisis face potentially large legal claims; they stand accused of pushing the drugs.


In what it described as an “unprecedented action”, the British government ordered Whirlpool to recall up to 500,000 tumble dryers over safety concerns. The American maker of white goods issued a warning in 2015 that certain brands of dryers might catch fire, but rather than issue a recall it tried to fix them.


Beyond Meat had a rollercoaster week on the stockmarket. The American fake-meat company’s already buoyant share price soared after its first earnings report since going public in May revealed a boom in sales. But investors lost their appetite when an analyst warned that the stock was overpriced, sending the price down by a quarter.

Beyond Meat在股票市场上经历了大起大落的一周。自5月份上市以来的第一份盈利报告显示销售额激增后,这家美国人造肉公司本就上涨的股价飙升。但当一位分析师警告称,该股定价过高时,投资者丧失了兴趣,导致股价下跌了四分之一。

A new chapter


Elliott Management, a hedge fund, agreed to acquire Barnes & Noble in a $683m deal. Elliott also owns Waterstones, a British chain of bookstores that is thriving despite predictions that Amazon would kill it off. James Daunt, who, as managing director, is credited with reviving Waterstones is also to run Barnes & Noble, where he will hope to turn the page on the American bookseller’s declining fortunes.

对冲基金Elliott Management同意以6.83亿美元收购Barnes & Noble。Elliott Management还管理着水石书店(Waterstones),一家正在蓬勃发展的英国连锁书店,尽管有预测称亚马逊会吞并这家公司。作为董事总经理,詹姆斯·道特(James Daunt)被认为是让水石书店起死回生的功臣,他还将掌管Barnes & Noble,他希望能让这家衰落的美国书商东山再起。
