英语PK台 第977期:来自老板的死亡凝视(在线收听


Jingjing: Well, Mark, I'm glad we could sit down and have this meeting.


Mark: Me too, I guess. But let's make it snappy. I have a class in a couple hours and would like to have plenty of time for lunch.


Jingjing: This should just take a few minutes. So, let's begin. I'd like to start by asking you how you feel about the quality of your work here at the center.


Mark: I'm pretty happy here. The students are great. And the center has most of what I need to deliver lessons to them.


Jingjing: That's good to hear. I'd still like to know what you think about your own work here.


Mark: OK, yeah. Well, I think it's pretty good. The students seem to like me plenty, unless you've heard otherwise.


Jingjing: Well, I've been hearing mostly good things about you. And, as I plan to have this talk with all of the foreign teachers, I'm glad to be having this meeting with you before the others. The feedback you're receiving, from students after they take your classes, is the best among all foreign teachers at this center.




Jingjing: Um, Jerry isn't in today. And please don't raise your voice.


Mark: Oh, whoops! I thought he might hear me through the glass walls. But, yeah, he's off. Anyway, do continue.


Jingjing: Thank you. Well, I suppose another way about this is for me to ask you what areas you'd like to improve upon, in your teaching.


Mark: Let's see. Well, I'm learning more every day. I hope to do better and better. We can all do better, right (?), I mean, by doing things like making sure the smart board works in each classroom.


Jingjing: I'm sure we'll have a chance to talk about technical support down the road. Now I'd like to talk some more about your performance on the job.


Mark: Right-o. And there's also scheduling. I mean, if we teachers don't know what classes we'll have until a day before—sometimes less than 24 hours before—their start times, there's not much we can do besides turn on the equipment and load the courseware (assuming everything works, that is).


Jingjing: I hear that. Just to let you know, we are developing a cloud-based solution for scheduling. That would allow you to view schedule updates in real time and should make it possible for you to see regular class listings two days in advance or earlier.


Mark: Well, we'll be looking forward to that. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?


Jingjing: ...Actually, yes. I wanted to talk with you about your own targets for improving the lessons you teach: how to keep students engaged and work more content into each course session.


Mark: Wow, good question. But now, all I can hear is my stomach growling. Do you mind if we talk again some other time? I'm thinking Burger King.


Jingjing: Find me after your classes today, at least to set another time for us to talk.


Mark: 10-4.


New words : 习语短语

make it snappy 爽快点,赶紧

be quick about it, don't waste time

do continue go on, please 请继续说

(here, and usually, it is a mockingly formal way of telling someone you want to hear what they're going to say when you're actually not interested)


another way about this


a different way to do/say something (here suggesting that your attempts to talk about something have been met evasively)

用不同的方式 做某事/说某事 (这里暗示你试图谈论某事却被回避了)

a cloud-based solution 一个云计算解决方案

management and work-flow systems that involve online computing, which people can access from almost any device, to meet people's needs and help solve problems


in real time 实时的

can be accessed and viewed by all users once administrators have made an update or uploaded content 管理员一更新或上传新内容,所有用户马上可以访问和查看。

targets 目标

specific and measurable goals (especially in business and in the workplace)


engaged 参与其中的

interested, feeling like you have something to contribute, feeling like you can learn something useful


Dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, I know it's late now. Would you like to go through your performance review with me now?


Mark: Oh, is that what this is?


Jingjing: Well, this would be a preliminary session, before I draw up the actual paperwork. Is now a good time?


Mark: It might be. How about you just give it to me straight, Jingjing? What are the areas in which I'm sorely in need of improvement?


Jingjing: Mark, I wouldn't put it that way. Since you're one of the foreign teachers who has been here the longest, I'll let you in on something: a large number of students quit their classes and ask the center for their money back. From corporate, there's closing one of our centers, and using student retention rates as a KPI in the event of any downsizing.


Mark: Wow, that's a lot to process! I hope nobody loses their job.


Jingjing: Yes, me too. We're all a little on edge about it, to be frank.


Mark: Well, thanks for confiding in me, Jingjing. I presume you want to keep this on the hush-hush.


Jingjing: The part about closing a center, and downsizing: yes, that doesn't leave this office.


Mark: 10-4, Jingjing. Hey, you look kind of exhausted. Oh, did you meet with some of the other foreign teachers today?


Jingjing: Yes, and those meetings didn't go all that well. We're going to have a bigger meeting tomorrow. But that's your day off and I won't require you to come in for it.


Mark: Yeah, I plan to go to the Great Wall with my buddy. Sorry.


Jingjing: That's actually alright. We can talk individually sometime later this week.


Mark: OK. Well, Jingjing, I'm gonna head out. Are you going soon?


Jingjing: In a while, yes. See you next time.


New words : 习语短语

let you in on 透露一些信息

give you some information that no everyone has (though the information affects them)


retention rates留存率,留校率,保持率

how many customers keep their memberships (this in other contexts can mean how many employees stay in a company) (this is usually expressed as a percentage: in 2018, 100 joined; 25 finished their membership but didn't re-enrol, 25 quit and demanded their money back, 50 finished their membership and re-enrolled; so, the retention rate would be 75%)

有多少顾客继续保留会员资格( 也可以指一家员工有多少名员工留任),通常用百分比表示:2018年有100名新入会员,25人到期后不再注册,另25人中途退出并退费,其余50人正常到期后再次注册。所以2018年会员保持率是75%。客户保持率=上期成交客户数在统计期间成交客户数/上期客户数*100%

KPI 关键业绩指标

key performance indicator

downsizing 裁员

laying off employees (but not firing them for misconduct)


keep on the hush-hush对某事要保密

don't tell anyone else about this (it's a secret) 不要把这件事告诉任何人(这是秘密)

doesn't leave this office 这件事情不能说出去

this thing cannot be talked about with anyone else (it's confidential) 这件事不能告诉任何人(这是机密)
