2019年经济学人 美联储拟建实时支付系统(2)(在线收听


Third, it worries that a single service will create a "single point of failure". Doubling up will make the whole system safer.


Big banks told the Fed, in a recent consultation, not to bother.


Even by considering its own system, it was delaying the adoption of faster payments by more banks.


Randal Quarles, the Fed's vice-chair in charge of supervision, evidently agrees.


When the five governors on the Fed's board voted to back FedNow, he was the sole dissenter.


He said he saw no "strong justification for the Federal Reserve to…crowd out innovation when viable private-sector alternatives are available."


Smaller banks, which for years have been urging the Fed to build a system, are delighted to be promised a choice.


"The private sector has a product but not the reach," says Cary Whaley of the Independent Community Bankers of America, a trade group.

“私营部门有产品,但没有影响力,”贸易组织美国独立社区银行家协会的卡里·沃利 表示。

"The public sector has all the reach but not yet the product."


(Most of America's 4,900 community banks have assets of less than $1bn; the country's biggest lenders weigh in at $2trn-plus.)


Aaron Klein of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank in Washington, argues that the Fed has not gone far enough.


Five years is too long to get its new system up and running, he says. Meanwhile, the banks will still be pulling in overdraft fees.


He adds that the Fed should also have obliged banks to let customers draw funds as soon as they are deposited.


Last month Chris Van Hollen, a Democratic congressman, and Senator Elizabeth Warren,


one of the Democratic candidates for the presidency in 2020,


introduced a bill that would amend the Expedited Funds Availability Act of 1987 to force banks to do just that.


Time is money, goes the adage. That's even more true for struggling Americans than for rich ones.

