《美少女的谎言》第六季第8集 第17期:想和朋友一起(在线收听

Wow, you must be excited. This is quite some turnout.

你肯定很兴奋 这实在是太隆重了

I didn't expect you to-- - Aria, why would I miss this?

我没想到你会 -艾瑞亚 我怎么会错过呢

I gave you the camera. Remember?

是我送了你相机 记得吗

Yes. I do. Thanks.

记得 谢谢

So can I ask you something?


This might be a weird question. It's so not a big deal.

可能很奇怪 没什么大不了的

I-I have no idea why I'm making this such a big deal, but..

我也不知道我怎么说得这么镇重其事 但

would you, as a friend..

你能 作为朋友

will you go to prom with me?


No, no. I know that's...

不 不 我知道这个...

that's the dumbest idea. You used to teach there.

这个主意很糟 你以前在那教书

Why would you wanna go macarena with former students?


I just wanted to be with friends


And wanted to go with a friend.


Aria, I-- - Ezra.

艾瑞亚 我... -以斯拉

Ay, Nicole. - Hi.

妮可 -嗨

I'm happy you could make it. - Yeah.

真高兴你能来 -是

Um, Aria, this is Nicole.

艾瑞亚 这是妮可

This is, uh, Emily's friend from Habitat for Humanity.


- Right. - The photographer herself!

-对 -这是摄影师本人

I'm really looking forward to seeing your work.


Thanks for coming.

