《凯莉日记》第10期: 担起你妈妈的责任(在线收听



I'm--I'm sorry.


Don't be. You know... I saw a lot of your mother in you today.

没必要 要知道 今天我在你身上看到了你妈的影子

Because I lost it?


When you were little, and you'd do something awful, I would just look at your tear-stained face and I'd melt. I couldn't punish you. Your mother was tough.

你小时候会干坏事 我看到你泪迹斑斑的小脸 就心软了 我没法惩罚你 你妈妈却很强硬

Yeah, I remember. When I did cartwheels in the pizza place, she wouldn't let me go to Valerie Weiss' 7th birthday party. And she had a moon bounce in the backyard.

我记得 当我在披萨店翻跟斗时 她不让我去瓦莱丽?韦斯七岁的生日派对 瓦莱丽家的后院有一个气垫房呢

Well, she wanted you girls to be accountable, said it would make you good people. And now that's my job.

她希望你们敢于担当 说这样才能成为好人 现在这是我的任务

I haven't wanted to do it. You girls have been through enough as it is. But also, um... By taking on your mom's role... that means I would have to admit that, uh... That mom's really gone.

我不想这样做 你们已经遭受了很多痛苦 但是... 我要担起你妈妈的责任 这就意味着我要承认... 妈妈真的不在了


But I have to. It's what your mother would have wanted, no matter how much it hurts.

但我必须这样 这也是你妈妈的意愿 无论这有多么痛苦

She also would have wanted me to ground you for coming in an hour past your curfew. So... no more going out the next two weeks. Okay?

她也会要我把你禁足 因为你在宵禁后一小时才回家 接下来的两周不要出门了 行吗

Okay. Okay.

行 那好
