美联社新闻一分钟 AP 特朗普发布的行政令超奥巴马(在线收听


This is AP News Minute.

In a major blow to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. U.K. lawmakers voted to postpone a decision on whether to back his efforts to leave

the European Union.

President Donald Trump has called presidential executive orders "power grabs" and a "basic disaster." But it turns out that in each year of his presidency, Trump has issued more executive orders than his predecessor Barack Obama.

Bernie Sanders launching what he calls a "vigorous" return to the campaign trail less than three weeks after suffering a heart attack. Sanders hosted a rally saturday in New York.

The newest baby bearcat at an Ohio zoo will be the University of Cincinnati's next mascot. The Cincinnati zoo is now asking visitors to suggest a name for the young bearcat, to be announced at the university's homecoming game in November.
