英语PK台 第1060期:普通朋友送什么礼物好(在线收听


Dialogue 1

Jingjing: Hey Mark, can I get some advice from you?


Mark: Sure. I hope I can help. What's up?


Jingjing: Well, two of my friends are having birthdays soon. And I'm invited to both of their parties.


Mark: Ok. I think you should go to both parties. You'll have yourself a time.


Jingjing: Um, I'll go if I have time. That's not my question. What should I give as a present?


Mark: Oh, got it. Are your friends Chinese, or from overseas?


Jingjing: One is Chinese, and the other is Canadian. That's why I'm asking you.


Mark: Well, there are not that many cultural differences about gifts. Besides, I don't know of anything like green hats or clocks that you'd want to avoid giving Canadians.


Jingjing: Ok. So, what do you think is a good gift in general?


Mark: Do you know the person very well?


Jingjing: Not that well—otherwise I'd know what to give.


Mark: Right. Then you've got to keep in mind that there'll be people at the party who are counting more than you on giving a very special gift. I'd suggest giving something valuable but not too remarkable.


Jingjing: Well, I wasn't thinking of giving her a Faberge egg.

京晶: 我也没想过送给她一个奢侈的费伯奇彩蛋。

(注:完美呈现具有百年历史渊源的俄罗斯蛋(Faberge egg),在纯手工繁复的彩绘下,加上以田园美丽风景为设计灵感,彷佛感觉春天微风气息拂面而来清新动人耀眼十足的美丽光芒非常高贵精致)

Mark: Good thinking. You want to give something that can get used up, not something the birthday girl will have to keep for more than a year.


Jingjing: By that rationale, a watermelon would be a good gift.

京晶: 按你的思路,西瓜就是一个很好的礼物。

Mark: Well, one that you brought back with you on a trip to the southern hemisphere this time of year might be thoughtful, though dates or nuts would still be better.


Jingjing: Hmm, what other advice can you give.

京晶: 嗯,还有其他建议吗?

Mark: I have lots more ideas.


New words : 习语短语

have yourself a time (verb phrase, idiom) 放轻松 请随意

have a good time, take it easy

good thinking 好主意 好见解

good idea

by that rationale 按照(你的)那个思路

according to your idea, ...

Dialogue 2

Jingjing: Ok. So you were going to give me some more advice about birthday gifts for my friend.

京晶: 那么关于给朋友送生日礼物你即将给我更多的建议。

Mark: Right. Principle one was to give something useful that can be used up. Principle two is that good things come in small packages.


Jingjing: I agree with you there. What do you think of a gift card for a coffee shop or a bakery?

京晶: 我同意你刚说的。你觉得咖啡店或面包房的礼品卡怎么样?

Mark: That's a good gift for a boss to give an employee at the office.


Jingjing: We don't work together, though she is a former colleague.

京晶: 现在我们没有在一起工作。但她是我以前的同事。

Mark: Well, it might be a good idea, still. I'd like to bounce some more ideas off of you first, though.


Jingjing: Great, that's what I was hoping for.

京晶: 太好了,这正是我期待的。

Mark: What do you think about giving cosmetics? It's the dry winter season here. Everybody can do well with some extra moisturizer or hand cream.

马克:你觉得送化妆品怎么样? 现在这里正是干燥的冬季。每个人都可以再来点儿保湿滋润霜或护手霜。

Jingjing: Good idea, but I remember her being picky about brands. I don't want to spend a lot of money on something she might not appreciate.

京晶: 好主意,但我记得她对品牌很挑剔。我不想花好多钱买些她可能不喜欢的东西。

Mark: Yeah, a good moisturizer runs two or three hundred. I still think hand cream would be okay, because it'd only cost 150yuan for one that's probably better than what she uses now.


Jingjing: That's about my price range. Anything else you want to run by me?

京晶: 这价格在我可承受的范围之内。还有其他建议给我吗?

Mark: So, principle three is keep it simple. Hand cream is simple. So is something like a wireless mouse. Everybody uses those.


Jingjing: Yeah, but I thought you said it should be something she could use up.

京晶: 是啊,但我以为你说的是应该送她能用完的东西。

Mark: Oh, right. Oops. A wireless mouse might not be ideal.

马克:哦, 对。哎呦!无线鼠标可能不太理想。

Jingjing: Actually, she's a workaholic. She might like a mouse, coming from a former colleague.

京晶: 实际上,她是个工作狂。她可能会喜欢一个前同事送给她的鼠标。

Mark: You could always bring both gifts, wrapped nicely, and decide when you arrive.


Jingjing: That's a good idea, especially if she unwraps them there and I see she got one of those already.

京晶: 这是一个好主意,尤其是她当场拆礼物,我刚好看到别人已经送了她一个时。

Mark: And you could always use the other one yourself, or keep it wrapped and give it at the next party.


Jingjing: Ha ha! That's killing two birds with one stone!

京晶: 哈哈!一箭双雕!

New words : 习语短语

bounce some ideas off <someone> (verbphrase) 向某人征求意见

make a suggestion for a person, without the person having to take thesuggestion too seriously (often-times, the person being asked does not have toapply the suggestion himself/herself)

price range (noun) 可接受的价位区间

what someone is willing to pay for something, from the lowest to the highest acceptable price

run <something> by <someone> (phrasal verb) 向某人请示某事把 (某事) 告诉 (某人) 以征求意见

make a suggestion for a person, to see if it's an OK idea (this isoften-times used when an employee asks his/her boss if something is OKaccording to company policy)

killing two birds with one stone (proverb) 一箭双雕

do one thing, but get two things done
