听歌学英语:给你整个世界 Give Your The World(在线收听

 I wanna take you down to main street我想带你到主大街上

Your favorite place in town这个城市你最喜欢的地方
We'll walk along that old road我们漫步在古老的街道上
Till the setting sun goes down直到夕阳西下
Then I'll get down on one knee然后我单膝跪地
And see forever in your eyes望着你闪烁的双眸
And say I want a lifetime you and I 向你起誓,愿与你携手一生
Here in this moment此时此刻
Standing face to face我们彼此坦诚相对
Let me take you deeper让我们更深地了解彼此
Till we're heart to heart直到灵魂亲密接触 心连心
And all the space between is over不再有距离
And you finally feel the love that you deserve最终你会感受到你应得的爱情
Come with me take my hand来吧,与我携手前行
I wanna give you the world我想要给你整个世界
I wanna give you the world我想要给你整个世界
I wanna take you to an old church我想带你去那古老而庄严的教堂
You'll be wearing white你终会披上洁白而神圣的婚纱
And you'll walk down the aisle走在地毯上 缓缓而来
With your father at your side身边站着你的父亲
We'll promise this love always我们许诺将永远爱着彼此
No matter what may come our way不论以后未来将如何
Be my wife and I'll chase you everyday成为吾之妻,我将会永远追随着你
Oh baby噢 宝贝
Here in this moment此时此刻
Standing face to face我们彼此坦诚相对
Let me take you deeper让我们更深地了解彼此
Till we're heart to heart直到灵魂亲密接触 心连心
And all the space between is over不再有距离
And you finally feel the love that you deserve最终你会感受到属于你的爱恋
Come with me take my hand来吧 与我携手前行
I wanna give you the world我想要给你整个世界
I wanna give you the world我想要给你整个世界
I have prayed for you我曾为你祈祷
Through lonely nights在那孤独的夜晚
I waited for you我等待着你
And now you're holding me tight今夜我们彼此紧紧相拥
Your heart is what I'll treasure我定会珍惜你的真心
And god will be my guide上帝将指引着我
This life of love spent by your side你就是我一生的挚爱 我会与你永世相随
Here in this moment此时此刻
Standing face to face我们彼此坦诚相对
Let me take you deeper让我们更深的了解彼此
Till we're heart to heart直到灵魂亲密接触 心连心
And all the space between is over不再有距离
And you finally feel the love that you deserve最终你会感受到属于你的爱恋
Come with me take my hand来吧 与我携手前行
I wanna give you the world我想要给你整个世界
I wanna give you the world我想要给你整个世界