
JOHN YANG: Finally, another installment of our weekly Brief But Spectacular series, where we ask people about their passions. Tonight, we hear from Patty McCord, who, for 12 years, was chief talent officer of Netflix. Now she coaches and advises companies and entrepreneurs on building workplace culture and the leadership to reinforce it, from abolishing performance reviews to challenging the need for policies at all. Her latest book is called "Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility."

PATTY MCCORD, Author, "Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility": I used to say that the only perk I wanted to have at Netflix was showers, because you know how everybody says, like, I had that great idea in the shower?

So, I wanted to just have like a row of showers, and, if we got stuck, it's like, get everybody in the shower. Don't come out until you get an idea. Why do we do an annual performance review? Is it to give people feedback, because you think that feedback would result in better performance? If that's the case, it's a really terrible process. So, if I went to the whiteboard, and it was a blank slate , and I said, OK, OK, I got this idea. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to -- once a year, we're going to look back, and in really arbitrary, obtuse language describe something that you may or may not have done many months in the past, in order for you to correct that behavior in the future. And, oh, by the way, we're going to call that performance, and we're going to rate and rank you, and we're going to roll it up with goals and objectives. Then we're going to put it in with our 6.5 percent merit increase budget, with a bell curve distribution, and determine how to pay you. And if I did that, I mean, literally, everybody in the room would be like, OK, there's Patty's idea. Anybody else? I remember when we did the player for the laptop. We tested five different versions of it. And one of the versions looked like the cockpit of the nuclear submarine. What the hell is that thing in the corner? And they're like, well, Patty, that's your buffering speed. And I'm like, OK, here's the deal. I'm normal. Not only do I not care what my buffering speed is. I don't want to know that buffering exists. I'm telling you, the winner is going to be pause, forward, and reverse. And like, so, I won that one. Let's talk about culture fit. Who cares? Here's how it really works in real life in most companies. Hiring managers say, I need to hire somebody who's going to be perfect. They're going to be articulate, smart, quick on their feet, fun to be around, and really passionate about their work, someone, well, just like me. And that's who they hire, and like hires, like hires, like hires, like -- and it's just human nature to do that, and you got to work against that. People used to ask me at Netflix, like, Netflix only hires A-players. How do you do it? I would say, there's an island only I know about and all the A-players are there, and I'm not telling you where it is. It's the problem that you have to solve and the person who's incredibly passionate about doing it and capable of doing it. My startup CEOs, they're so adorable. They're like, how do I hire somebody like you to take care of the culture for me? And I'm like, well, you don't. It's your job forever, or get another one, don't be CEO. Like, you own this. Well, OK, I get it. I will take ownership for it. So how do I do it? I'm like, you live it. Live it. If you want to be efficient, then show up on time. If you want to have honest discourse with people, then be honest with people. Teach people how to learn from their mistakes. Teach people how to make the right decisions. Teach people how to be bold. And how you teach them how to do it is, you do it, so they can see it. I'm Patty McCord, and this is my Brief But Spectacular take on rethinking work.

JOHN YANG: You can find more Brief But Spectacular episodes on our Web site, PBS.org/NewsHour/Brief.

约翰·杨:最后,来看我们的每周系列节目Brief But Spectacular,在这里我们探寻人们的激情。今晚,帕蒂·麦考德做客节目,曾为Netflix首席人才官的她在这家公司工作长达12年。现在,她就企业文化创建,以及通过领导力来增强企业文化,对公司进行指导,并向企业家们提出建议,从取消绩效考核到对各种政策的必要性发起挑战。她的最新力作名为《Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility》。

帕蒂·麦考德,《Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility》作者:我曾经说过,我唯一想在Netflix获得的额外待遇就是淋浴,因为你知道每个人都怎么说吗,比如说,我在淋浴时想出了这个好主意?所以,我只想有一排淋浴器,如果我们遇到了问题,就好像,让每个人都冲个澡吧。想不出办法,就别出来。帕蒂·麦考德:我们为什么要进行年度绩效考核?是不是想给员工反馈,因为你认为反馈会让他们表现更加出色?如果是这样的话,那这个过程非常糟糕。所以,如果我走到白板前,上面空空如也,我说,好吧,好吧,我想到了个主意。这就是接下来我们要做的。我们每年都要回顾总结一次,用极其武断晦涩的语言描述过去几个月里,你可能做到或没有做到的事情。这样以便你在将来,得以纠正那个行为。哦,顺便说一下,我们将称之为表现,我们将对你定级和排名,我们将设立目标将其提升。然后,我们将把它放入我们那6.5%的增值预算里,再画上钟形曲线分布图,确定你的薪酬。如果我这么做的话,我的意思是,真的,房间里的每个人都会说,好吧,这是帕蒂的主意。还有其他人吗?我记得那时我们做笔记本电脑的播放器。我们测试了五个不同版本。其中一个版本看起来像核潜艇的驾驶舱。角落里的那个东西是什么?它们就像,嗯,帕蒂,那是你的缓冲速度。我就像,好了,成交。我很正常。我不仅不关心缓冲速度是什么。我根本不想知道缓冲的存在。我是在告诉你,胜利者将是暂停、向前和倒退。就这样,我赢了那一个。让我们来谈谈文化的契合。谁在乎?这就是它在大多数公司的实际生活中的作用。招聘经理说,我需要雇用一个完美的人。他们说话清晰、聪明、敏捷、有趣,对他们的工作充满热情,就像我一样。这就是他们雇佣的人,就真像被雇佣的人,被雇佣的人,被雇佣的人,而且这就是人类的天性,你必须与之对抗。以前我在Netflix,有人问我,Netflix雇佣的员工都相当优秀。你是怎么做到的?我会说,我知道一个岛,这个岛只有我知道,所有的优秀员工都在那里,但我不会告诉你岛的位置。这是你必须解决的问题,去找对做这件事充满激情而又能够胜任的人。我创业公司CEO们,他们太可爱了。比如,我怎么才能雇到像你这样的人,来料理我的企业文化?我想,嗯,你不可能。这永远是你的事,否则另谋他职,不要做CEO。比如,你拥有它。好吧,我明白了。我会拥有它的。那么我该怎么做呢?我想,你要经历这个。经历这个。如果你想效率高,那就做个守时之人。如果你想与人坦诚交谈,那么就要诚实待人。教人们如何从错误中汲取经验。教人们如何做出正确的决定。教人们如何勇敢作为。你怎样教,他们就怎么做,你去做,这样他们才能看到。我是帕蒂·麦考德,这就是我的Brief But Spectacular,关于反思工作。

约翰·杨:在我们的网站PBS.org/NewsHour/Brief上,您可以观看更多Brief But Spectacular节目。
