PBS高端访谈:4-H俱乐部少年进行牧饲生猪养殖 收获利润(在线收听

JUDY WOODRUFF: The nation's largest youth development organization, 4-H, has been preparing young people for careers in agriculture and farming for over 100 years. As part of the "NewsHour"'s Student Reporting Labs series Making It Work, Alexis Lesher and a team of students at Cedar Crest High School in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, report on how one hard working 15-year-old turned a swine project into a profitable business.

ALEXIS LESHER: If you happen to stop by Grumbine's Berkshires and Farm, you will be surprised at who greets you. Business owner Dakota Grumbine is only 15 years old. He started the business as a 4-H project when he was just 8, but it didn't get off to a smooth start.

DAKOTA GRUMBINE, Grumbine's Berkshires: When I first started off, I didn't really have any luck as far as the breeding standpoint goes. I couldn't get pigs settled. The litters were small. Not many of them had a second litter, or they just didn't work out. So it took me a while to get a sow base built up.

ALEXIS LESHER: Dakota now has 20 sow, four boars, and almost 200 customers. He breeds pasture-raised Berkshire pigs, which command a higher price, over a dollar more per pound than regular commercial pork.

DAKOTA GRUMBINE: There's a lot more management involved, as opposed to when I had five sows, where I knew all the sows off the top of my head, their ear notches and everything. Now I have got to write that down or keep track of it somewhere, because I can't remember all of that information anymore.

ALEXIS LESHER: Dakota created a Web site about his product and sells to butcher shops and restaurants. He has traveled as far as Illinois, Iowa and Ohio to learn more about the business. His father has also helped him with the business and says that it's beneficial that Dakota has started so young.

DARREN GRUMBINE, Father of Dakota Grumbine: The younger you are when you start something, the easier it is to pick it up. I see other kids don't enjoy certain opportunities such as public speaking and talking to strangers. He did that stuff at such a young age, that now he doesn't even really think about some of those things that hold a lot of kids back.

ALEXIS LESHER: He goes to school seven hours a day for five days a week, like any other student, but when he gets home, he has to do his homework, while still keeping enough time to manage his pigs.

DARREN GRUMBINE: He balances it pretty well. He does well in school. And he has some things that he does for fun that he really enjoys.

ALEXIS LESHER: Dakota's business is starting to pay off financially, too. He makes an annual profit, which is increasing each year.

DAKOTA GRUMBINE: Even if I don't continue raising hogs for the rest of my life, it's experience at a young age of coming home every day and having responsibility. I can walk away with a lot of different assets as far as management and time management, money management, you name it. The farming industry and especially the hog industry encompasses a lot of things that I will be able to use later on in life.

ALEXIS LESHER: For the "PBS NewsHour" Student Reporting Labs, this is Alexis Lesher in Lebanon, Pennsylvania.

JUDY WOODRUFF: And what an impressive young man Dakota is. On the "NewsHour" online right now: President Trump may be closer to a sit-down interview with special counsel Robert Mueller. White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor reports that the president's lead lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, says that Mueller's team is narrowing possible questions for Mr. Trump, and says the prospect of talks look more hopeful than it did a day or so ago. That and more is on our Web site, PBS.org/NewsHour.

朱蒂·伍德瑞夫:全国最大的青少年发展组织,4-H俱乐部,一个多世纪以来一直在培养年轻人从事农事活动。作为NewsHour学生报告实验室系列节目Making It Work的一部分,亚历克西斯·莱舍和一群来自宾夕法尼亚州黎巴嫩城Cedar Crest高中的学生们为我们报道,一位勤奋有加的15岁少年如何将一个养猪项目变成了一笔赚钱的生意。


达科他·格拉宾,Grumbine's Berkshires:我刚开始的时候,从育种的角度来看,我并不走运。猪的问题没有解决,幼崽太小,许多只有一只幼崽,用它们是不行的。所以我花了好久才建起了这个猪场。



亚历克西斯·莱舍:达科他创建了一家关于他产品的网站,将肉卖给肉店和餐馆。他去过伊利诺斯、爱荷华和俄亥俄,以了解更多的商业信息。 他的父亲也帮助他料理生意,他说达科他早早开始,非常有益。






亚历克西斯·莱舍:PBS NewsHour学生报告实验室,我是亚历克西斯·莱舍,从宾夕法尼亚州黎巴嫩城发回报道。

朱蒂·伍德瑞夫:达科他是位多么令人印象深刻的少年啊。欢迎收看我们正在直播的线上节目:特朗普总统可能会与特别顾问罗伯特·米勒进行会面。白宫记者Yamiche Alcindor报道说,总统的首席律师Rudy Giuliani说,米勒的团队正在缩小对特朗普可能提问的范围,并说此次会面交谈的前景比起约前一天来说,更为乐观。更多内容,请您关注我们的网站PBS.org/NewsHour。
