英国新闻听力 埃及总统穆巴拉克病危谣言(在线收听


The Rumored Demise of President Mubarak of Egypt-埃及总统穆巴拉克病危谣言


ANNOUNCER: Four newspapers editors in Egypt have been given prison sentences for defaming President Hosni Mubarak and one of them, Abraham Issa, is due to stand trial again. This time he’s been charged with causing harm to the national interest and with spreading false rumors about Mr. Mubarak. His alleged crime was to publish reports on the many stories that have been swelling around Cairo that the president is unwell. Ian Panel has been examining why these rumors have refused to go away. 


IAN PANEL: When Mark Twain read that his own obituary had been published, he cabled the newspapers to assure them that he was still in fact alive, famously remarking that “reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated”. President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt might consider a similar track. For weeks now, Cairo has been full of rumors about the President’s health or lack of it. The news came at me from all angles: friends, acquaintances, colleagues, friends of colleagues, even wives of colleagues. “Have you heard?” they would ask. “The President is ill.” they would declare. “He hasn’t been seen in public for ages.” they would reveal. On a few occasions, I was even told in hush tones that the president was in fact dead, and had been for weeks. These stories can be hard to resist. Firstly, because death is news; the media love to ruminate about and rehearse for the death of important figures: Monarchs, Religious Leaders, Actors and of course, Presidents. The other reason it was hard to resist was because it happened in the silly season-that time of the year when very little happened in the world, when people go on holiday, including Presidents. But papers must publish and media must broadcast and so, the thresholds for what constitute a real story plummet. This summer in Cairo and one of the silly stories was about Hosni Mubarak’s health. Now, I’m not saying that the Presidents health is not a story. Hosni Mubarak is perhaps the most important political figure in the Arab world. He has been the leader of the Region’s most populous country for more than a quarter of a century, a pivotal ally of the West and an influential figure in the politics of the Middle East. He is approaching 80 years old and he has had health problems in the past. But just because we hear he is at retreat and isn’t appearing in public everyday, does not mean he must be dead. Especially when every journalist in Cairo knows they were ambling along a well trodden past. Last April, the city was also buzzed with the rumor that the president was unwell or dead. I telephoned a Senior Government contact to check. I only got as far as “Hi it’s Ian Panel from the BBC can I ask…” when I was cut off with the loud and firm “its not true.” To reassure everyone, we were told that the President would appear at an important football that evening, to be broadcast live on Egyptian Television. It was the most watched matched of the season. And sure enough, Hosni Mubarak was there, waving, and smiling and alive. So when a similar story does the round just a few months later, the wise option would be to steer well clear of it. But a number of Egyptian newspapers, in particular the opposition and independent ones did not, choosing to run the stories about the rumor, in some cases, on the front page. All to the intense irritation of the Presidency, the official response has been robust. First came the very public and protracted photo opportunity to prove that the President was in fact alive and well. Then Hosni Mubarak himself spoke out. In an interview with a pro government newspaper, he accused illegitimate movements of been behind the rumors, a not very veiled reference to the Moslems brotherhood, the Egypt’s most powerful opposition group. Then the First Lady, Susan Mubarak, in a rare television appearance said that the journalists who published the rumors, deserved to be punished. And that of course, was the next move, singling out one newspaper and one editor among many for trial. But by responding in this way, the Presidency and its supporters have turn or began as the rumor into a real story. They have also illustrated two important things about the country. Firstly, Mr. Mubarak will not go on forever and there must be a successor. Most hear we assume, it will be the president’s son Gamal, who will take over. But there is anxiety about who and what comes next. Secondly, the capacity to tolerate criticism and critics has slumped to a new low in Egypt. For example, the man who dares to challenge Hosni Mubarak for the presidency languishes in jail. The group that dares to challenge the ruling party in Parliamentary elections has its members routinely rounded up. And internet bloggers vociferating their opposition have also been detained, beaten and have their websites blocked. So to be clear, President Mubarak is alive and well, again. And there is another mark to unquote that the President might like to consider the next time he reads that he is unwell or dead. “The more things are forbidden, the more popular they become.”



Defame v. 诽谤 

obituary n. 死亡讣告 

ruminate v. 思考,沉思 

rehearse v. 预演,排练 

the silly season 新闻饥荒期 

pivotal adj. 关键的,中枢的 

vociferate v. 宣扬,猛烈说出(尤指抗议)
